PVpharm selected as one of the top ten companies providing compliance services and transforming business

  • Post published:December 9, 2020

We are very glad to announce that PVpharm has been selected as one of the top ten companies providing compliance services and transforming business. The European edition of PharmaTech Outlook www.pharmatechoutlook.com has choosen us, a full article has been issued at the magazine website, it can be found here: https://compliance-europe.pharmatechoutlook.com/vendor/pvpharm-solving-the-riddle-of-pharmacovigilance-compliance--cid-1039-mid-107.html This recognition is coming in a very important moment for PVpharm. Thanks to the effort and good work of the team, PVpharm is growing and helping more companies. Also, PVpharm is initiating new strategic partnerships in order to support other companies in their Pharmacovigilance activities. Please read more about us…

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QMS virtual course – 26-29 January 09.00-13.30 CEST

  • Post published:December 9, 2020

José Ortiz will be participating together with Brian Edwards in the faculty of the QMS training course organized by DIA. At the conclusion of this virtual live course, participants will be able to: • Describe how to design, develop, and manage a Quality System related to Pharmacovigilance System • Explain the components of the Pharmacovigilance Quality Manual • Describe the process for the development and maintenance of the Pharmacovigilance System Master File • Analyze how the Pharmacovigilance Quality System integrates with the Pharmacovigilance System • Discuss the development, maintenance, and quality oversight of Pharmacovigilance SOPs and Pharmacovigilance related documents, including…

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Jan Kolouch from PVpharm participates as co-trainer in the Eudravigilance EVWeb training 7-11 December 2020

  • Post published:December 4, 2020

PVpharm is pleased to inform that Jan Kolouch, will be participating as an co-trainer in the Eudravigilance EVWeb training, 7-11 December 2020, 14:00 – 18:30 The online course will provide the extensive information regarding EMA required knowledge evaluation, on how to report, view and download ICSRs using the EudraVigilance system and principles of EVDAS. This training course covers: In depth explanation and practical examples for creating, sending and accessing ICSRs in the ISO/ICH E2B(R3) format based on the EU ICSR Implementation GuideThe use of the EudraVigilance web application (EVWEB) functionalities to describe the use of the E2B(R3) format and to practice examples for…

Continue ReadingJan Kolouch from PVpharm participates as co-trainer in the Eudravigilance EVWeb training 7-11 December 2020